
Whats Your Skin Type?

Do you know your skin type? Knowing this information can help you understand what certain cosmetics can do to your skin. Your skin type is determined by how much oil your skin produces, and that is determined by genetics, diet, stress, and skincare regimen. Let's take a look at the different types of skin:

DRY - Skin feels tight, especially after cleansing. Rarely, if ever, gets oily.
Signs of DRY skin: Flaky Skin, Red Patches, Ashy or Dull, Dead skin build up

OILY - Skin looks really shiny, and is prone to blemishes and blackheads.
Signs of OILY skin: Enlarged Pores, Tightness, Oil buildup all over face

COMBINATION (NORMAL) - Some skin is just normal and doesn't become too oily or too dry. But most combo skin has oil buildup in the T-Zone (forehead, nose, and chin), but is normal/dry everywhere else on the face. Most women have normal skin.
Signs of COMBO skin: Medium Pores, Smooth Texture, Healthy Color, Oily only in T-Zone

Sub Skin Types:

SENSITIVE SKIN - Skin is very delicate, thin, and is very prone to broken capillaries.

SUN DAMAGED SKIN - Skin feels very tight, has visible wrinkles, and has a leathery texture. Be sure to combat this by using sunscreen and a great vitamin E based lotion at night before bed.