
How About Those Vitamins?

Vitamins A, B, or C??? Most people don't know a thing about vitamins.

If you do know a thing or two, most still don't know how vitamins can affect their body. When it comes to your health, there are key roles that each of them play. I made a simple list of each vitamin, what they do for our bodies, and what foods you can eat to get these natural nutrients. You can knock out your daily intake of these vitamins by creating tasty smoothies.

Vitamin A is an antioxidant that is good for vision, cell growth, and a healthy immune system.
Foods that have this vitamin: Eggs, Milk, Liver, Fish Oil, Carrots, Spinach.

Vitamin B consist of B1, B2, B6, and B12. However, the most popular are B6 and B12 because they keep nerve cells and red blood cells healthy, and also help with proper brain function.
Foods that have this vitamin: Fish, Meats, Eggs, Poultry, Oatmeal, Bananas, Potatoes, Cheese

Vitamin C helps to grow bones and tissue. It may also reduce the chances of getting a cold and neutralizes free radicals.
Foods that have this vitamin: Green Peppers, Oranges, Strawberries, Broccoli, Sweet Potatoes

Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium and phosphorus from foods you eat. It is also great for bone health and treats Osteoporosis/weak bones. Sunlight is a great source of Vitamin D, as long as you are in the sun for about 10-15 mins a day.
Foods that have this vitamin: Butter, Eggs, Fish, Milk

Vitamin E is good for healthy skin and eyes. It is also a great antioxidant that protects cells from damage.
Foods that have this vitamin: Spinach, Eggs, Nuts, Fortified Cereals, Vegetable Oil

Vitamin F is an essential fatty acid that is a building block of the skin surface.
Foods that have this vitamin: Flaxseed Oil, Safflower Oil, Borage Seed Oil, Evening Primrose Oil

Vitamin K helps to prevent excessive bleeding, which is very common in newborn infants.
Foods that have this vitamin: Spinach, Broccoli, Beans, Eggs, Strawberries, Meats

You should be eating at least 3 vegetables and 2 fruits PER DAY. However, if you believe that is too much to consume, or too expensive to keep up with, try taking a daily multi-vitamin tablet (or packet to dissolve in water). Nothing beats giving your body the real edible nutrient, however it's better than not giving your body anything at all. Baby steps people...

Note: Remember to consult a doctor before taking any vitamin supplements.

Happy Living!!

- xoxo