
10 Steps To Real Beauty

There are tons of lotions and potions to make us look great on the outside, but we must not forget the true steps to real beauty. No matter how much powder you puff on, if you're not taking care of yourself internally then that extra concealer won't do a thing.

1. SLEEP - We all need a good amount of beauty sleep. Lack of sleep can cause dehydration, puffy
eyes, and health issues. Always try to get at least 7-8 good hours of sleep a night.

2. SUNSCREEN - This goes for ALL races, ALL ages, and ALL year round. Sunscreen prevents up to 90% of skin damage caused by the sun (UV rays). You don't want to look 50, when you are only 31.

3. NO DRUGS - This is pretty much self explanatory, but for those that do not know the obvious. Drugs are very damaging to your health and the effects of it doesn't show up right away. It has been scientifically proven that smoking and drinking wreaks havoc on your teeth, skin, cells, liver, and lungs. Being a social drinker (sipping on a cocktail at a bar with friends three times a month) isn't horrible, but smoking will age you four times faster than the normal drug-free person. Enjoy your vices, but don't over do it.

4. EXERCISE - Staying fit is great for overall health and wellness. You never want to get too complacent and become a couch potato because we all need an aerobic exercise to keep blood flowing, bones moving, and our bodies looking at its best.

5. WATER - To stay fully hydrated you must drink lots of water. Beauty is skin deep, and if you look closely we are made up of 70% water. This keeps us moisturized from the inside out, and keeps our organs functioning properly. Sugary drinks, Gatorade, alcohol, and coffee do not count as water intake.

6. FATTY FOODS - Yes we love hamburgers, fries, and chocolate. But just like alcohol, we must do things in moderation due to all the saturated fat in these types of food. Our body need unsaturated fats like vegetable oil, olive oil, corn oil, and safflower oil to help our skin and organs utilize the protein we eat. Try to request and make your home-made foods with these good fats.

7.  RICH DIET - We were always told growing up that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. That's an over exaggerated approach to it, but a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can be substantial to overall health. They provide necessary nutrients that lower cholesterol, flush out toxins, boost the immune system, and reduce the effects of aging. Smoothies are a great way to get all these daily servings in a matter of minutes by blending fruits and vegetables together to create a delicious and healthy drink.

8. VITAMINS - Everyone needs vitamins, and most do not know why. As we get older, it is very easy to miss out on a lot of essential nutrients due to busy schedules and quick-fix eating habits. Your body needs to process these nutrients through digestion, so if you can't eat your daily intake of fruits and vegetables then a multi-vitamin supplement can replace them. (More About Vitamins)

9. HYGIENE - This isn't necessarily on the inside of our bodies, but poor hygiene can lead to unwanted bacteria on the body (and in private areas). Taking care of yourself and staying clean is very important to overall health. Wash your hair, cleanse your body, and wear clean garments to ensure that you love the way you look, AND SMELL.

10. LIVE! Nothing beats living a fun, stress-free life. Turn to hobbies, books, blogs, movies, etc that
keeps your mind busy and brings excitement to your life. Laugh, try new things, and relax. We only live once, and tomorrow isn't promised so stop worrying and live for today.

Stay Healthy!

- xoxo