
A Spa Bang For Your Buck

Want to know a secret?

If you are like me then you know the value of a dollar. I am not cheap, but I know how to save money. Call me the Bargain Hero!! Most people don't know that beauty schools/institutes are always providing free to low cost services performed by supervised students that just need those hours of "active service" in order to graduate. Kind of like an internship... but not really.

While looking online today I came across aveda.edu (click: "Find A Location" for one near you) where you can get salon and spa services for very low prices. Imagine getting the celebrity treatment for only $20.00. Well after checking out their guest services section for the NYC location, I booked an appointment to get a Pure Focus Express Facial ($20) and an Enbrightment Treatment ($12). That's just $32.00 for facial services that can cost $100 or more at other salons.

That's the secret to getting spa/salon treatments for little to nothing. Check out the local beauty schools, dental schools, nail schools, and hair schools in your areas. The students that perform these services are well trained, supervised, and have learned everything they need to know to be allowed to work on you. Also look on the bright side, trusting a person that went to school years ago, is exactly the same as trusting a person that has an up-to-date understanding and knowledge of the curriculum. Things change everyday, so I want the latest!! Just like an apprentice needs to be under his boss to learn the ropes so he can begin his own journey, that is exactly what these schools provide. I have also gotten free dental services at a local dental college, and cheap hair services at local hair schools. No harm in trying... and if you aren't satisfied try another school, or pay the piper.

Stay Beautiful :)
