
Breakouts :: What Is Your Skin Telling You?

Whether you get random pimples or breakout often, no one likes the harsh reality that we all have flaws. But what if you could stop breakouts all together by knowing what causes them? Well, you may not be able to stop them forever, but you can certainly understand the reasons behind breakouts in order to combat them before they get a chance to sprout on your beautiful face.
What is your body trying to tell you when you breakout??
  • Forehead breakouts are triggered by stress, and lack of sleep. You can also breakout from dirty hair and product buildup that clog your pores. So calm down, get some rest, and wash your hair to keep your scalp clean.
  • Eyebrow breakouts are signs of a weak immune system and tend to pop up right before you get a cold. If you see pimples in between your brows, you may want to cut back on sugar, unhealthy eating habits, and incorporate vitamins into your daily life. Also make sure those tweezers are sterilized!
  • Cheeks can show different signs of acne, because this is an area that is touched often by your hands, pillows, cellphone, etc. Keep anything that comes near your face clean with alcohol [phones] or antibacterial soap. If you breakout around your neck or ears, your jewelry most likely needs some cleaning too.
  • Chin breakouts are associated with hormonal changes such as a women's menstrual cycle, also dirty scarves, jackets, or anything that comes close to the chin. We can't stop our time of the month, but we can cut back on fatty oils around this time to decrease breakouts.
The best solution to keeping pimples at bay is by eating healthier, drinking lots of water, cleaning your face with a good cleanser, and keeping your hands off your face. If you have cystic acne or breakout due to problematic skin, then you may want to see a dermatologist or change up your skincare routine. 
Stay beautiful!


Banish Cellulite Now!

Tired of stubborn cellulite that doesn't allow you to show off those legs with pride? Well there's a non-surgical solution to that problem. All you need is a few extra minutes in the morning and a brush!
Dry brushing is an old-age secret to healthy, supple, and hydrated skin. Due to our fast-paced modern ways, people don't want to spend extra time doing something they do not deem necessary. However, dry brushing only takes a few minutes of your time, and the benefits are worth it. 
Dry Brushing eliminates the need to use a moisturizer because it stimulates the circulatory system, rids the body of toxins, and brings nourishment to the skin from the blood. Exfoliation as a whole removes dead skin, and allows the body's natural oils to surface to the skin. Try dry brushing your skin at least once a week with a natural-fiber brush in the morning before you take a shower, and your skin will be soft and moisturized.

 How to dry brush:

  1. Make sure your skin is dry and the shower is not on. Use your DRY natural brush (with a handle for easy gripping) in the tub and start from your feet going upward towards the heart (blood circulates better this way).
  2. Brush with 6-10 quick long strokes towards the heel, then up each leg and thigh. Do not go back and forth because that defeats the purpose of dry brushing.
  3. As you go up your body, brush your knees, elbows, hips, glutes, and stomach in circular motions. This is very important if you have cellulite as this tightens skin and promotes cell renewal.
  4. You do not need to brush your chest or neck since they are the thinest parts of your body, other than your face of course. You can use a loofah or sponge for these areas.
  5. After brushing, wash your skin with warm water and a vegetable-based bar soap to cleanse and hydrate your skin. Rinse off with cooler water to close pores and keep skin from drying out. 
  6. Clean your brush with antibacterial soap and allow it to hang dry. I spray mine with a mist of alcohol after washing to kill the germs that rubbed off with my dead skin.
Tips: Skin should be stimulated, not irritated or red from dry brushing. Your knees, elbows, and heels are the toughest part of your skin, so be sure to scrub those areas really well in the tub, especially if you have discoloration. Apply a brightening serum or gel on these areas before your moisturizer if you need to lighten them up a bit.
Happy brushing!


DIY :: 10 Beauty Hacks Using Household Products

We all want beautiful hair, clear skin, white teeth, and the list goes on. Better yet, we all want those things without spending an arm and a leg to get it. Well, I did some digging and there are tons of homemade or household products you can use without burning your wallet. There is nothing better than "two for one", like using that olive oil for your salad, and as a hair moisturizer. Take a look at 10 beauty hacks using household products:
  1. Olive Oil - This is one of the healthiest oils to use for cooking, eating salad, and moisturizing your hair or skin. The emollients in this oil lock in moisture and keeps hair shiny and soft. I tend to use this oil on my ends because they are the driest part of my hair, and it can be a little too heavy for my scalp. 
  2. Starch (for Ironing) - Now I have never tried this one, however, I have read some articles online about hairstylists running out of dry shampoo and using this instead. I would assume it could be used as a holding spray too, but there is only one way to find out. Let me know how this works for you!
  3. Dryer Sheets - Not only does it take the static out of clothes, and make them smell good, but it can also be used to remove static from hair. Just run a sheet over your dry hair to eliminate static electricity.


The 411 on Anti-Aging

Aging begins before the first wrinkle even appears. 
Some of us are either trying to prevent aging, or trying to correct it. Whether you have dark circles or deep wrinkles, the best way to turn back the hands of time is by choosing the right products to use for your skin.
 Before you can begin that process, you have to know the Anti-Aging terms, and what they do to slow down the signs of aging. The last thing you want to do is buy a product that you do not need. Let's start with a breakdown of all the major ingredients one can find in a product that promises to reverse the clock.
  • Retinol / Retinaldehyde - The term you see very often on products when you look past the puberty-aged acne scrubs and washes in the grocery aisle. Retinol aka the "Skin Rejuvenator" is a Vitamin A exfoliant which comes in cream, serum, or gel form that fades sunspots, evens skin tone, and firms skin. 


Dermarollers :: No Pain No Gain

They say no pain no gain, right? Well that is surely the case with Dermarollers because the only way they can work is by puncturing the top layer of your skin with the tiny micro-needles embedded in the hand held device. Fun, right?

There are many reasons to use a dermaroller, such as:

  • Fading Stretch Marks
  • Acne Scar Removal
  • Anti-Aging (Wrinkles)
  • Hair Restoration (Traction alopecia/thin edges)
  • Cellulite Reduction
Dermarollers work by increasing the collagen production and tricking your skin into believing it needs to repair itself. Sort of like creating a wound so your body goes into restore mode and naturally begins to heal itself.


DIY :: Charcoal To Whiten Teeth?!?

So I have become a pinterest fanatic, and with that obsession has come the desire to try out everything I see on there. My latest craze has been oral hygiene and ways to make my smile brighter so it lights up a room. While searching on pinterest, I came across a few posts on using activated charcoal to whiten teeth.

Now, why would I go and buy something that will make my teeth as black as, well... charcoal? Well I love DIY projects, and this just seemed too crazy not to try. The proof is in the pudding because I tried it myself, and here are my results:


Skin Is In!!

How is your skin? Is it dry, uneven, or breaking out? How often do you wash your face? Are you using bar soap or a cleanser? Once upon a time I was lost in the sauce and my skin suffered tremendously. I broke out non stop, had tons of dark marks on my face, and went to sleep with makeup on.
I have come a long way since then, and now I enjoy the fact that I can wear light makeup because I stepped up my skincare routine and stopped disguising my impurities with caked on foundation. When I muster up the courage to step outside without any makeup, I get tons of compliments on my skin smoothness and glow. Well sharing is caring, and it's only right that I share my updated skincare routine. 
  1. Avene Mattifying Cleansing Foam to wash my face
  2. Avene Thermal Water Spray to smooth and plump up my skin
  3. Avene Eye Contour cream for dark circles, lines, and puffiness (yes by 25 you must begin the prevention stage)
  4. Derma E Brightening Serum to wake up dull skin by giving my face a glow
  5. Avene SPF 50 Mineral Face Lotion to moisturize my skin (Always use sunscreen!!)
AFTERNOON (before bed):


Heads Up!

"Hair is a decorative crown that shows off our true style." - Asanat Akibu
Your hair says something about who you are, how you want to be seen by others, and how you see yourself. Contrary to popular belief, "good hair"  is not just about genetics; great hair is a combination of good hair care, products, and a healthy lifestyle.
Hair is made up of keratin (protein) and starts deep in the dermis layer and sprouts up through your follicles and out through the scalp. Too much oil/dirt on the scalp can clog the follicles and stunt hair growth. Too little oil and moisture causes dry scalp and leads to flaking or dandruff. Chemical processes, product abuse, and over styling can cause hair to break, dry out, and become weak.
 To keep your hair as healthy as can be, follow these simple shampoo and conditioning tips:


Five Min Beauty Boost

A quick facial mask can revitalize your skin, and help assist the epidermal layer in getting rid of dead skin cells much faster than a daily facial wash. A good mask can improve the look and feel of your skin and leave you with instant gratification. All you need are a few extra minutes. 

Quick Facial:


Why Are Americans Obese?

Americans are constantly fighting a battle of the "bulge" to help control their weight. But why are Americans among the most obese populations in the world?
Most of us do not cook the majority of our meals any longer. We are now a growing fast-food, processed-food culture. These fast food are loaded with so much sugar and fat that it is impossible to maintain a healthy weight. Then there is our lack of exercise that play a key role in the battle of the bulge. 
20 to 30 minutes of exercise daily is essential to proper weight management. Finally, stress has been shown to be another underlying factor in obesity. While lifestyle changes such as better diet, more exercise and stress reduction have been shown to help lose weight, there are supplements that have been shown to be helpful in encouraging weight loss as well. 
High-nutrient, low-sugar and low-carbs option like salads, fruits, fibers, and protein smoothies can be just the thing you need to help minimize calories but still provide the necessary nutrients to stay healthy, and not hungry. Supercharging your smoothie with vitamins, along with whole food ingredients will help supply the body with the energy to work, and make healthful lifestyle changes. 
What are you going to do to begin your healthy lifestyle change?

Beauty Talk | How Far Is Too Far?

Bruce Jenner has officially become CAITLYN JENNER! No K first name?

Video: http://video.vanityfair.com/watch/vanity-fair-cover-caitlyn-jenner-is-finally-free