
10 Foods for Beautiful Skin

Do you ever hear the saying: "You are what you eat"? Then you are very aware of the drastic effects of what different foods can do to your overall health and beauty.
There are quite a few foods that can boost your immune system, combat skin problems, and help you achieve glowing youthful skin. Here's a list of my top 10 favorite foods for beautiful skin.

Flaxseed contains high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids that make your cell membranes stronger, but they also keep moisture from getting out. This in turns makes the skin look younger and more plump. You can find flaxseed in powder form to put into your smoothies for easier consumption.

Avocado has the best source if healthy fat and its high levels of monounsaturated fats protect your skin cells which prevents wrinkling. When this healthy fat is incorporated in your cell walls, it makes them stronger. Also if you want shinier hair, blend a ripe avocado with some conditioner and use it as a hair mask before you shampoo your hair.

Tuna (eaten in moderation) provides  numerous of nutrients to the body, The selenium and trace minerals in tuna help to prevent cell damage. It also promotes elasticity that keeps skin smooth, tight, and flexible.

Green Tea has various health benefits and aids in preventing skin damage. Green tea contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties which means they protect against damaging UV rays [sun]. This tea also helps cure natural issues such as common cold and headaches.

Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C, which has been shown to support the growth of collagen, a protein that smoothes out wrinkles and gives the appearance of a fuller, more youthful face. 

Almonds (for those that aren't allergic) are a great source of Vitamin E that act as a natural sun blocker and is often used in sunscreen formulas. Other great dietary sources of vitamin E include wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds and hazelnuts.

Blueberries (strawberries and blackberries) are full of antioxidants and protect the skin against sun damage. Blueberries are rich in flavones which is known as the "longevity genes", and they are involved in expanding the cells that keep them looking younger of a longer period of time.

Plain Yogurt is rich in Vitamin A , which is a very important ingredient in retinol. As you get older, your cells begin to mature, so Vit A is very important to treat acne, reduce fine lines, and contributes to overall skin health. If you do not like Yogurt, try eating liver, carrots, broccoli, or kale.

Tomatoes (cooked) are a great source of lycopene, which is an antioxidant compound that helps defend against sun damage and wrinkles.Due to its potency it can neutralize free radicals caused by UV sun rays. 

Last but not least, good ol' H20! Water is not a food, but your body and skin need it just as much as food. Drinking a good amount of water daily (suggested: 8 glasses) will help give your skin a boost, cleanse your body of toxins, and hydrate your flushed skin for a more youthful glow.
