
Makeup Brushes Cause Bad Skin

Imagine thousands of bacteria organisms living and breeding on your makeup brushes. Then imagine your
carefree self placing these brushes in your makeup, and on your face. YUCK!

That's exactly what is happening when you leave brushes unclean and full of gunk from weeks of makeup build-up. Bacteria gets into your pores, and you begin to see blackheads and breakouts. Follow these simple steps to effectively clean your makeup brushes.

Using Brush Cleaner spray:
1. Soak bristles of brushes (one at a time) with your spray
2. Grab a paper towel and gently rub the brushes back and forth until there is no more product on the brush.
3. Reshape the bristles with your fingers and let air-dry on a clean napkin, while laying them down.

This should clean and dry your brushes in minutes.

Using Baby shampoo (or Organic cleaner):


7 Steps to Beautiful Skin At Any Age

As simple as these 7 easy steps are, everyone has their own preference and no ONE way of taking care of your skin is correct. As long as you put a little bit of effort into your skincare, you should be just fine.

This guide is absolutely perfect if you want to incorporate a serum, moisturizer, and makeup primer into your daily skincare routine. Everyone should at least have a good facial wash, and sunscreen for the day time.

image via gurl.com
I am currently using: 


DIY: The Perfect Nutritional Smoothie

We've all heard the saying, eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away. However, most people can't find the time or patience to sit there and eat an apple.

Hence why smoothies, juicing, and throwing fruits in water is at an all time high. Fitness has taken over, and not many people want to be fat, or even feel like they are tipping over the average size for their age and height. Well, welcome to the new age of body wraps, waist cinchers, fat burning pills, and all that good stuff. Oh and of course the countless gym gurus and #Gymlife selfies add to the motivation to take better care of ourselves.

For those of us who want to start off with the basics, or are just lost on how to get the best out of a great tasting smoothie (or juicing), then follow these steps for a nutritional boost in your immune system --- and day!

1. CHOOSE YOUR GREENS - This will give your smoothie a solid nutritional boost and keep you going throughout the day.