
I Can't Stop Breaking Out!

Pimples, bumps, acne, blemishes --- call it what you want, but its annoying and needs to stop making appearances on my face! I have moments when I break out after months of clear skin, and I get so upset that I attack my face with every force imaginable. The down side to this is: DARK MARKS for months! :( There is nothing fun about pimples, and there is certainly nothing amusing about having dark marks and scars on your delicate face for what seems like an eternity. They just don't want to go away. Here are 4 at-home remedies for getting rid of pimples, and tips to keep them far away!

Note: Always make sure hands are clean and face is washed with a good oil-free cleanser. After doing the steps below, apply an oil-free moisturizer (don't forget your SPF if going outside).

- 1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
- 1/2 cup warm water
*Mix together and apply to face with a cotton ball (or Q-tip on blemish)

- 2 drops tea tree oil
- 1/2 cup milk
* Mix together and apply to face with a cotton ball. Rinse off after 10 mins.

- 1/2 cup warm water
- 2 drops tea tree oil

-  1 tablespoon of any clay mask 
*Mix together and apply to face. Let it dry, then rinse off.

- 1 tablespoon plain yogurt
- 1 tablespoon water
- 1 tablespoon of any clay mask
- 2 drops tea tree oil
*Mix together to form a paste and apply to face. Rinse off after 15 mins.

Great skincare routine to follow for acne prone skin:

1. Wash face twice a day with a gel cleanser (morning and night).
2. Exfoliate with an AHA cream or powdered scrub (potato flour, baking soda, Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant).
3. Use a weekly Clay Mask (mix 1 drop of tea tree oil in it).
4. Apply an Oil-free Moisturizer after cleansing face

1. DO NOT pop your pimples, it only spreads the bacteria and causes disgusting dark scars that last forever (well it seems like it!). If you can't fight the urge, use 2 Q-tips (or tissue) to push the nasty stuff out the pimple. Apply tee tree oil to kill the bacteria.

2. Clean your makeup brushes at least once a week. Brushes harbor bacteria and oil that causes breakouts on your face. Wash them with Dr.Bronners Lavendar soap (found at drugstores). For quick clean ups, sweep them across makeup wipes.

3. Cellphones have more germs on them than toilet seats. Yes! All that sweat, oil, makeup, and dirt from your hands build up over time. Be sure to wipe your phone with an alcohol soaked cotton ball.

4. Pillow cases are full of sweat, oil, and sometimes old makeup from those lazy nights that you forget to wash your face. Be sure to change your pillow cases and wash them often to reap the benefits of true beauty sleep.

5. Keep your hands off your face. You literally touch everything, all day! The last thing you should be doing is touching your face with all the dirt and germs you collected throughout the day. Wash your hands often, and keep a travel size bottle of hand sanitizer with you if you can't get to some soap and water throughout the day.

- Stay Beautiful